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Über Geschmack lässt sich ja bekanntlich nicht streiten – deshalb will ich Euch den AWS Shopper Prototyp von 1974 der gerade auch eBay angeboten wird nicht vorenthalten. Hierbei handelt es sich um den allererster gebauten Shopper ! Der Zustand spricht für sich – da heisst es zugreifen…
Der Hingucker für jeden Anlass…
hier gehts zur eBay-Auktion
1. November 2015 at 11:55
Was just kidding – the intention of AWS was probably more to build a car with no special tools then to achive any improvement in regards of technic equipment.
1. November 2015 at 1:21
Uwe Staufenberg
Where do you see the «development»?? It was just a big step backwards. Walter Schätzle could still be in business today if he had continued with the production of Goggo spares for the high demand in those days, and not go into such an unreasonable venture, being attracted by the «Berlin Förderung» of those days for his new factory in the divided city.
13. Oktober 2015 at 21:04
Uwe – you judge very hard, as the Shopper is a further development of the Goggomobil 🙂
28. September 2015 at 17:51
Uwe Staufenberg
This one DID enter production, however with a few minor changes compared with that prototype, but anyway… Forutnately the company went out of business in 1974 after about 1700 units produced.
Probably amongst the 5 worst car designs of car history…
27. September 2015 at 17:27
Steven Mandell
Style wise the antithesis of your latest acquisition.
As charming as my screen door.
Sometimes there are good reasons why prototypes do not enter production.