Kleinwagen Auktion in England – 31.01.2015

Anglia Car Auctions bietet in der Auktion vom 31. Januar einige Kleinwagen aus einer Sammlung an. Es werden 2 Berkeleys, 2 Bonds, 1 Nobel, 2 Scootacars und 1 Peel angeboten.
Peel P50 – Replica – estimate £ 7’000 – 9’000
Scootacar MK1 – Estimate tbc
Scootacar MK2 – Estimate £ 19’500 – 22’500
Nobel 200 – Estimate £ 7’000 – 8’500
3. Februar 2015 at 16:08
Anglian Auctions were claiming this was the largest classic car auction in the UK with over 300 entries. Attendance was around 3K people !!.
Most Microcars sold at sensible prices and spot on current market trends. Nobel £7K, Bond MkF project £1K, replica P50, not such a good investment at £6.8K, T60 ex. John Lee 3.2K, Scootacar Mk2 21K, Scootacar Mk1 27K all plus commission.