KR201 Roadster – nur in Rot oder Weiss ?

Im Messerschmitt-Forum wurde die Frage aufgeworfen, ob die KR201 (Roadster) generell in Rot oder Weiss ausgeliefert wurden. Da ganz offensichtlich die meisten KR201 die man heutzutage auf Treffen sieht, diese Farben haben.
Peter Svilans, der ehemalige Kurator der Sammlung von Bruce Weiner und einer der profundesten Kenner der Kleinwagenszene meint dazu:
The Roadster body style was available right to the very end of production in 1964. In fact, the second last Messerschmitt produced, formerly belonging to Dr. Hans Dopjans, was a white Roadster. This body style, with the folding scissors-type hood frame and removable soft transparent vinyl snap-on side windows was also available on the Tg 500 to the end of its production
However, these later cars were simply Roadster-style bodies, and not actually KR-201’s.
The KR-201 Roadster was a special limited-edition car of which only 300-something were produced. Only the KR-201 had, in addition to the removable scissors-frame hood (top), the special trim items which made it a KR-201: winglamps, portholes, slotted hubcaps with spinners, white leather belt, chrome shifter, and black vinyl with snakeskin trim and red piping interiors. All genuine KR-201’s had only the Augsburg Eagle badge, whereas KR-200 Roadsters were factory-built with the FMR diamond badge, but these aren’t the true 201’s.
Heiko Zimmermann has the most accurate detailed production figures for the 201. Production ended around when the Cabriolet with fixed plexi side windows was introduced at the end of 1958, as a far more practical alternative soft-top version of the bubble-top Messerschmitt.
With the revised FMR colour schemes at the end of ’58, black interiors were introduced on the standard cars for the first time, but without the red piping. Leftover KR-201 snakeskin vinyl stocks were disposed of by making it the special-order DeLuxe accessory interior trim to replace the former plaid pattern. However, the snakeskin option was not as commonly seen as the Weiner Museum would have you believe.
Of course Messerschmitt was happy to oblige any customer if it meant a sale, so many cars- including KR-201’s- were delivered with special-order colour schemes.
But the official KR-201 Roadster colours listed in the factory literature and advertising of the time, were only ever Signal Red and White.
In die Schweiz wurden folgende Fahrzeuge importiert:
1957: 10 Fahrzeuge: 6 rot und 4 weiss
1958: 18 Fahrzeuge: 10 rot , 5 weiss, 1 blau, 1 gelb, 1 rosa
1959: 4 Fahrzeuge: 1 grau, 1 rosa, 1 gelb, 1 hellblau
Pingback: Rollermobilclub Schweiz » Wie erkennt man einen “echten” KR201 Roadster ?
28. Oktober 2010 at 19:25
übrigens, der blaue 58er wird z.zt von philippe s restauriert und der rosarote 59er steht in holland zum verkauf.